Dear readers,
In our last posting, we concluded with the spiritual version of the scientific law of motion. In this posting we present you a comparison between the scientific version and the spiritual version.
On one hand stands the scientific version that says:
"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction".
This law speaks on a very material level and deals with phenomenon occuring in the nature. This can be known from the examples we studied about how a fish moves in water, how a bird flies in the sky, how a car moves on the road etc.This law provides us with knowledge that sharpens our intellect, improves our logic and way of thinking. It makes us intelligent 'apparently'.
On the other hand the spiritual version says:
Karmanaa jaayathe janthuhu karmaNaiva Vileeyathe
sukham dhukkham bHayam ksHemam KarmaNaiva abHipadhyathe
(Srimad Bagawatham - 10/1-24th chapter - 13th sloka)
1 Due to the karma only the jeevaathmaas are taking birth here.
2 So also, due to karma only the bodies of the jeevaathmaas are facing an end.
3 The happiness and sadness, fear and comfort; everything is just because of their karmas.
This version speaks on a much much subtler level and gives us knowledge which motivates us to perform our duties in a perfect way.It teaches us important lessons needed to lead a happy life.Lessons such as how to refine our karma's so that we maintain a steady state of mind and always remain happy; how should we remain away from qualities like anger, agitation, pride, greed, jealousy etc or how we should remain unaffected by the adverse effects of such qualities. Ultimately everything that happens in our life is directly linked to our karma's. So if we get this step right (i.e. of doing good karma's) then there wouldn't be any hassles in our lives at all !!
The explanation of this version is so simple that even a layman can easily apprehend it.
On the other hand the explanations given in the examples related to the scientific version require that one actually observes such natural phenomenon to understand what that law is saying. Merely by reading or hearing the explanation it is not possible for everyone to understand the law.
The scientific version has limited applicability upto the material level whereas the spiritual version scores because its applicablity is at all levels. Most importantly it paves the way to attain the ultimate goal i.e. salvation (moksha). Having attained the knowledge to attain this goal, one doesn't need any other knowledge for attaining any other goal.
That was the comparison between the two versions for you. In the next posting we continue with or discussions on this topic. Till then Radhekrishna!!
Sarvam Guruvarpanam
Dear readers,
In our last posting, we concluded with the spiritual version of the scientific law of motion. In this posting we present you a comparison between the scientific version and the spiritual version.
On one hand stands the scientific version that says:
"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction".
This law speaks on a very material level and deals with phenomenon occuring in the nature. This can be known from the examples we studied about how a fish moves in water, how a bird flies in the sky, how a car moves on the road etc.This law provides us with knowledge that sharpens our intellect, improves our logic and way of thinking. It makes us intelligent 'apparently'.
On the other hand the spiritual version says:
Karmanaa jaayathe janthuhu karmaNaiva Vileeyathe
sukham dhukkham bHayam ksHemam KarmaNaiva abHipadhyathe
(Srimad Bagawatham - 10/1-24th chapter - 13th sloka)
1 Due to the karma only the jeevaathmaas are taking birth here.
2 So also, due to karma only the bodies of the jeevaathmaas are facing an end.
3 The happiness and sadness, fear and comfort; everything is just because of their karmas.
This version speaks on a much much subtler level and gives us knowledge which motivates us to perform our duties in a perfect way.It teaches us important lessons needed to lead a happy life.Lessons such as how to refine our karma's so that we maintain a steady state of mind and always remain happy; how should we remain away from qualities like anger, agitation, pride, greed, jealousy etc or how we should remain unaffected by the adverse effects of such qualities. Ultimately everything that happens in our life is directly linked to our karma's. So if we get this step right (i.e. of doing good karma's) then there wouldn't be any hassles in our lives at all !!
The explanation of this version is so simple that even a layman can easily apprehend it.
On the other hand the explanations given in the examples related to the scientific version require that one actually observes such natural phenomenon to understand what that law is saying. Merely by reading or hearing the explanation it is not possible for everyone to understand the law.
The scientific version has limited applicability upto the material level whereas the spiritual version scores because its applicablity is at all levels. Most importantly it paves the way to attain the ultimate goal i.e. salvation (moksha). Having attained the knowledge to attain this goal, one doesn't need any other knowledge for attaining any other goal.
That was the comparison between the two versions for you. In the next posting we continue with or discussions on this topic. Till then Radhekrishna!!
Sarvam Guruvarpanam