
Friday, October 21, 2005

Science and Hinduism


Dear Readers,

We continue with the shloka's from Srimad Bhagwad Gita which are related to the ancient 'karma theory' that forms a part of hinduism. This theory is much more superior to the scientific theory that speaks about action-reaction phenomena. Yes its true! there is no doubt about it.

SHubhaaSHubha falaireyvam mokshyase karmabandhanaihi
sanyaasa yogayukthaathma vimuktho maamupaishyasi.

Bhagwad Gita (chapter-9 verse 28)

Thus equipped in mind with the yoga of renunciation, you will free yourself from the bonds of Karma, productive of auspicious as well as inauspicious fruits. Thus liberated, you will come to Me.

Meaning: Thus, equipped with a mind which is firmly set in Yoga, considering yourself as one who's delight lies in being a subsidiary to Me and subject to my control and all acts to be My worship, and engaging yourself in secular and vedic actions, with such an attitude, you will free yourself from countless bonds, called ancient karmas, productive of auspicious and inauspicious results, which stand as a hinderance preventing you from attaining Me. Freed from them, you shall come to Me only.

This shloka is the succeeding shloka of the one which we mentioned in our last posting. That shloka embarked upon dedicating all our acts like doing any work, helping others, engaging in the daily chores, performing rituals etc to Lord Krishna. It also emphasised on offering anything and everything that we eat or drink to Lord Krishna before we actually start eating or drinking that thing. The consequences of acting in this manner are mentioned in the above shloka.

In this shloka Lord Krishna says that if a person acts in such a manner then he willbe freed from the bonds of karma which force an individual to undergo multiple births and deprive his soul from attaining salvation. He says that by following this path a person's soul will surely attain salvation. It will go and merge with Him.The first line mentioned above 'Thus equipped in mind with the yoga of renunciation'is very significant in the context. As described in the above para's if one inculcates this habit of dedicating all one's actions to Lord Krishna then it results in one becoming a very humble human being.

This is because generally when people perform any act such as charity or if they help others, they have a sense of pride. It is very difficult to not think in such a manner. Very rare are such persons who are so modest that they would not take the credit for such type of acts done by them. Its very natural for one to develop 'aaham bhavam' i.e. 'I-ness'. They start boasting that
' I'm great', 'I have donated such a big amounts to such institution as charity' .... and so on.
But such attitude is not to be inculcated. The credit for giving us such an opportunity goes to the all pervading Lord Krishna. We should thank him for the same. That will ensure that we get such good opportunities again and again.

By dedicating all actions to Lord Krishna we are saying, that "Krishna! its your mercy that you have given me an opportunity to perform such a good act. I thank you for that and I whole heartedly dedicate the act that I have performed, to you." When one does so, then automatically the 'I-ness' or aaham bhavam vanishes. Our pride gets renounced and so we are saved from the harmful effects of pride. We develop a 'you attitude' towards Lord Krishna. This attitude helps us greatly.

We learn to accept whatever destiny holds for us. We learn to control our desires. We realise the way to remain happy every moment of our life. This is the magic of hinduism dear readers! See how practical it is. See how relevant it is in our day to day life! Isn't it? Applying the principles of hinduism, one can lead one's life in the best possible manner.

So what are you waiting for? embrace the values, principles, and lessons taught by hinduism and enjoy a happy life! Radhekrishna!

Sarvam Guruvarpanam

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Science and Hinduism


Dear Readers,
After going through such articles doesn't one feel that hinduism is not outdated? Its very true that what people today call science has always been a part and parcel of hinduism. Since time immemorial the rishis or sages knew several scientific things which human beings have just discovered now and are taking the credit for the same. Such people feel that they have invented something new but the fact is that they have merely 'discovered' it.

Coming back to our this months first article, in our last posting, we spoke about the most important exam which a person has to give in his lifetime!! That concluded one method following which its possible to attain salvation. Apart from the method that we mentioned to attain salvation i.e through chanting Lord's name throughout one's life and consequently, also at the last moments of one's life, there exists another method which gets us the same result, there exists another road that leads us to the same destination, there exists another key that opens the same lock. That method is described very aptly in the under mentioned shloka:

YathkarOshi yadhashnaasi YajjuhOshi dhadhaasi Yath!
Yaththapasyasi Kountheya! Thathkurushva madharpanam!


Whatsoever you do, Whatsoever you eat, Whatsoever you offer, Whatsoever you give away, Whatsoever austerity you practise, O Arjuna, do that as an offering to Me.
Bhagwad Gita (Chapter-9 verse 27)

A very beautiful verse! This verse says whichever action one performs during one's entire lifetime one must dedicate it sincererly and whole heartedly to Lord Krishna. 'Arpana' means offering'. The indirect meaning of this verse is that if a person performs acts with the aim of reaping its fruits then he will reap the fruits according to the excellence of the act i.e. if the act is good the fruit will be good and if the act is evil then so will be its fruits too.

However if one wishes to escape from the benefits and evils of one's actions then the simplest way is to perform the act by praying to Lord Krishna thus:

Krishna whatever i am doing, i am dedicating it to you.Please accept my acts as an offering to you. I don't know anything. I am at your mercy. I am surrendering myself to your lotus feet. Whatever I am doing, I am doing it as a service to you.

This simple prayer, the Lord says, will free a person automatically from the fruits of that act i.e. that person wont be affected by the merits or demerits of the act. But this prayer must be with a firm faith in mind about the prowess of Lord Krishna as also with sincere devotion (bhakti). Prayer said just for the sake of saying it will be effective but not be as effective as a prayer said with utmost devotion.

All this seems very unreal in modern day world but this is the truth to be frank.A simple example from day to day life can prove it.When a person meets with an accident his/her relatives depend on a doctor to treat him and cure his wounds. That doctor is at that point of time no less than God for them. But when the injury is of a very severe nature then at times even the doctor is not sure whether he will be able to save the patient or not. At such times the doctor consoles the near and dear ones of the patient by saying that he is just a human being and not God. He can only try his best to save the patient but cannot guarantee that the patient will be saved and the doctor also asks them to pray to God to save the patient. This simple example proves the fact that there are limitations to science, irrespective of how much technology develops and irrespective of how many new medicines be discovered by human beings!! Also there exists something which is more powerful than science. That power is the unflinching faith in the Supreme One, Lord Krishna.

This example was just for the purpose of making all the readers aware that even in today's so called modern society when everything else fails, the only thing that may work is a sincere prayer! Isn't it?

.....to be continued

Sarvam Guruvarpanam

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