
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Potential energy and Kinetic energy


Dear Readers,


Hinduism has a lot of undiscovered secrets. Some of these have been lost in the transition from one generation to the other, as the knowledge known to the earlier generations was not transferred to the subsequent generations. The rishis of the ancient times had great knowledge about different sciences. They knew the healing powers of several herbs found in the forests; they could predict the weather by merely studying the sun, sky and the stars and planets in the sky; they knew the secrets of living a long life etc. The motive of this blog is to reveal some such secrets, which have always been a part of Hinduism.

In the last article we described the proportions of potential and kinetic energy in the second stage i.e. the world inhibited by the demi-gods.

Following is the continuation of the same:

In DEVALOKAM, the motion is uniform. This implies, the velocity of the moving objects is uniform.

i.e. in KE= ½ mv², the velocity 'v' remains uniform.

Let us now understand the meaning of the sentence,

‘UNTIL IT IS FORCED BY SOME EXTERNAL FORCE’ in a spiritual terminology.

This external force, which disturbs the uniform motion, is described as “ASURA” (devil). These devils create an imbalance. In Hinduism, this imbalance is described as WAR between DEVA and ASURA. Thus an imbalance in the uniform motion in scientific terms is the war that happens between the good and the evil or between the devas (demi-gods) and the asuras (devils).

As per law, TE should be constant always. At the end of war, the equilibrium is achieved. Thus the total energy remains constant.

The story of DEVALOKAM is full of pity. This is because there is a lot of volatility at this level as far as the quantum of potential and kinetic energies is concerned. The quantum of both the forms of energy is continuously swinging here. The potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy when the uniform motion in this world is disturbed by devils who challenge the demi-gods for a war. The potential state of the demi-gods then gets converted to kinetic energy as the war starts. At the end of the war again the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy. Also, the devas have to constantly keep a watch on the pull exerted on them by the ground (g). They have to maintain their high altitude (position) obtained by earning of many good virtues (punyam). Else, they would be pulled down to the third stage i.e. the world of the mortals (human beings). They can also get elevated to the higher world (first stage) provided they are successful in increasing their potential energy and decreasing the kinetic energy. This is possible through penance.

So to summarise, the potential energy here is alternative. The kinetic energy is imbalanced by unwanted enemy forces.

On one side gravitation pulls the Deva to the earth. On the other side, the Asura imbalances the KE by disturbing the velocity of the Deva.

Thus the position of demi-gods is like that of a person sitting on a see-saw. They may go up or fall down.

That was about the second stage. Lets look at the third stage in our next article. Till then Radhekrishna!

Sarvam Guruvarpanam

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Potential energy and Kinetic energy


Dear Readers,


In this article, we describe the second stage (intermediate stage) which is inhibited by the devas or demi-gods. We will look at the proportions of potential and kinetic energy at this altitude. In the first stage, we understood that the potential energy is infinite whereas the kinetic energy is nil. Let us see that in this stage, what is the case.

The intermediate stage, Devalokam.

PE = mgh, and KE = ½mv²

In this stage, the 3 variables namely m, g, v have a role i.e. unlike in the first stage where mass ‘m’ was negligible, velocity ‘v’ had no role and gravitational pull ‘g’ was nil, here, in this stage, all these variables have values.

Let us see how this statement

TE = mgh + ½mv² = a constant, is true in this stage.

In this stage, the crucial role is played by g = gravitational acceleration. It is the force exerted by the earth that pulls everything towards it. Gravitational acceleration pulls the body from heaven to the ground.

Velocity, ‘v’ represents movement, since here, in Devalokam, movement takes place.

PE = mgh, where m = mass, g = gravitational acceleration, h = height.

‘m’ represents body mass. The Devas possess a comparatively high value of energy over human beings in the context of mass. ‘m’ has a high value in this stage. ‘h’ represents height from ground to Devalokam.

The gravitation force pulls the body, (Deva) from heaven to ground.

Let us take a scientific example to understand all this:

The rockets that are sent to outer space should have the energy to overcome the gravitational pull exerted by the earth (‘g’). Only when they cross the influence of ‘g’, they can orbit in the sky without falling back to the earth. Once this energy gets exhausted, the rockets cannot remain in space; they fall on the ground.

The same is applicable to the Devas. Once the account of punyam (virtues) gets exhausted, they lose their energy. Once they lose their energy, the gravitation pulls them back to the earth.

Potential energy at the intermediate stage:

Here PE= mgh is different than what it was in the first stage. In the first stage, height was infinite and hence, PE was infinite. But in this stage, height is finite, and gravitational force ‘g’ is also present. Mass is also finite here (in the first stage it was negligible.)

In Devalokam, the PE=>mgh oscillates.

The ‘g’ pulls the DEVA to ground. The Deva tries very hard to hold on to the potential energy (PE) that he possesses to come out of the trap of ‘g’.

Kinetic energy at the intermediate stage.

Coming to the kinetic energy,

KE= ½ mv².

V= velocity of object. Velocity is judged by motion.

Here, another scientific law; ‘a law of motion’ comes into picture

It goes thus: ‘‘every inanimate body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an external unbalanced force”.

Below is the break up of the key words from the above statement.

1. State of rest = Ground (P.E.)

2. Uniform motion


Let us apply this law with the above key words to Hinduism. But for that wait till our next article.

Till then, radhekrishna. Do more and more chanting.

Sarvam Guruvarpanam.


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