Dear Readers,
The influence of western culture is increasing at an alarming pace in India, our motherland. One of the best examples of this is the celebration of various ‘days’ by the youth; be it friendship day or valentines day or mothers day; the list is just endless. The people of our country are falling prey to the influence of western culture. They have forgotten the significance of our country and our culture. Hinduism is the oldest existing culture in the history of mankind. And it has sustained itself even today only because of it’s robust principles and traditions. Hence we, the members of Radhekrishna Sathsangam urge all our readers to generate a thirst and curiosity to know more about the glorious Hindu culture and it’s components. And for that same purpose, we have brought the blog on Science and Hinduism so that we can dispense information about our Hindu culture through it. The blog has successfully completed more than four years and it is a modest attempt from our side to spread more and more awareness about hinduism through this medium.
In this post we begin with a new topic. Below are a few shloka’s from the Sushruta Samahita:
Tacca dukham trivdham aadhyaatmika
aadhibhautikam aadhidaivikamiti
They (the classification of diseases by origin) are of three types – exogenous, endogenous, psychic or natural.
Tattu saptavidhe vyaadhaavupanipatati. Te
punah saptavidhaa vyadhyah. Tadyathaa
aadibalapravrttaah janmabalapravrttaah
dosabalapravrttaah sanghatabalapravrttaah
kalabalapravrttaah daivabalapravrttaah
svabhavabalapravrttaah iti.
Diseases are of three types – endogenous, exogenous and cosmic. They fall under seven categories of diseases. What are the seven categories, we will see in the next posting.
Section II: Information on Indian herbs
In this post, let us know about the herb named Jhau in Hindi (Tamarix Gallica) in Latin.
1. It is a plant that grows to the height of about two metres
2. It has leaves resembling those of a fir tree
3. It grows mostly on the banks of the rivers in the basin of the Yamuna
4. It’s leaves and wood are specifically useful for bringing the enlarged spleen to it’s normal size
5. It’s decoction also prevents prolapse of the anus
6. It’s fruit known as Mayaphal has the quality of stopping bleeding
7. Salts extracted from the ashes of the plant contain appreciable quantities of iron and cobalt
Till the next forthnight… Radhekrishna!!
Sarvam Guruvaarpanam
Dear Readers,
The influence of western culture is increasing at an alarming pace in India, our motherland. One of the best examples of this is the celebration of various ‘days’ by the youth; be it friendship day or valentines day or mothers day; the list is just endless. The people of our country are falling prey to the influence of western culture. They have forgotten the significance of our country and our culture. Hinduism is the oldest existing culture in the history of mankind. And it has sustained itself even today only because of it’s robust principles and traditions. Hence we, the members of Radhekrishna Sathsangam urge all our readers to generate a thirst and curiosity to know more about the glorious Hindu culture and it’s components. And for that same purpose, we have brought the blog on Science and Hinduism so that we can dispense information about our Hindu culture through it. The blog has successfully completed more than four years and it is a modest attempt from our side to spread more and more awareness about hinduism through this medium.
In this post we begin with a new topic. Below are a few shloka’s from the Sushruta Samahita:
Tacca dukham trivdham aadhyaatmika
aadhibhautikam aadhidaivikamiti
They (the classification of diseases by origin) are of three types – exogenous, endogenous, psychic or natural.
Tattu saptavidhe vyaadhaavupanipatati. Te
punah saptavidhaa vyadhyah. Tadyathaa
aadibalapravrttaah janmabalapravrttaah
dosabalapravrttaah sanghatabalapravrttaah
kalabalapravrttaah daivabalapravrttaah
svabhavabalapravrttaah iti.
Diseases are of three types – endogenous, exogenous and cosmic. They fall under seven categories of diseases. What are the seven categories, we will see in the next posting.
Section II: Information on Indian herbs
In this post, let us know about the herb named Jhau in Hindi (Tamarix Gallica) in Latin.
1. It is a plant that grows to the height of about two metres
2. It has leaves resembling those of a fir tree
3. It grows mostly on the banks of the rivers in the basin of the Yamuna
4. It’s leaves and wood are specifically useful for bringing the enlarged spleen to it’s normal size
5. It’s decoction also prevents prolapse of the anus
6. It’s fruit known as Mayaphal has the quality of stopping bleeding
7. Salts extracted from the ashes of the plant contain appreciable quantities of iron and cobalt
Till the next forthnight… Radhekrishna!!
Sarvam Guruvaarpanam