Radhekrishna Dear Readers,
We have described about the Anatomy of the human body in the previous post through a shloka from the Sushruta Samahita (a scripture in Hindu culture).
Let us know the meaning in layman terms, of certain words used in that shloka
1. Kalaah = Parts or divisions
= Tissue which is an aggregation of many parts
2. Dhamani = Reed/ tube
= Blood vessel
3. Srotah = That through which (the mind) pours out
= Sense organs
4. Jalam = Web (of muscles, veins, ligaments and bones)
= Plexus
5. Yoga + = Body fluid flows
Vahini + = Vehicle through which blood flows
srotah = Capillary.
Note: With exception of tendons, the numbers indicated here for the various body components are remarkably close to the modern knowledge.
Let us continue with the topic in the next posting.
Section II: Information about Indian herbs:
In this post the herb on which we will throw some light is known as Hirankhori (in Sanskrit) and Corchorus Fasciularis) in Latin.
1. It is a creeper which grows as weed with the winter crop of wheat and Bengal grams
2. It is a wonderful remedy against bubonic plague
3. It is used extensively to deal with sciatica
Till the next post,
Sarvam Guruvaarpanam