
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why do we do pradakshina only in a clockwise manner?





Dear Readers,

Radhekrishna! We discussed the question “Why do we do pradakshina (circumambulate)? There is a question which is related to this question; which we will discuss in this post. The question is, “Why is pradakshina done only in a clockwise manner?”

A layman may feel that the reason is to avoid a traffic jam! But no it is not so. As we do pradakshina, the Lord is always on our right. In India the right side symbolizes auspiciousness. So as we circumambulate the sanctum sanctorum we remind ourselves to lead an auspicious life of righteousness, with the Lord who is the indispensable source of help and strength, as our guide - the "right hand".

A similar example is seen among Hindus that after marriage when the groom brings the bride to his house, there is a ritual which is performed. The bride with her right leg, pushes a kalash filled with rice grains inside the house. The bride is considered as symbolizing Goddess Laxmi and hence the bride’s entry in the house is always by placing her right foot in the house first.

So also, we eat with the right hand, accept prasadam with our right hand, etc etc.

This further emphasizes on the fact that the right side is considered auspicious amongst Hindus.

So the next time you circumambulate God’s idol in a clockwise manner, recollect the reason and then do it! And if you get an opportunity, share the reason with someone!

….to be continued.

Section II: Information about Indian herbs

In this post, let us know about the herb known as Asgandh, also called as Winter Cherry in English and Withania Somnifera in Latin.

1. The other name for this herb is Oxon Booti.

2. Its fruits resemble wild berries

3. Leaves of the plant relieve inflammatory conditions

4. Its root dried and powdered acts as aphrodisiac and helps rheumatism and lumbago.

5. It helps in cases of infertility among women.

That concludes the post for this fortnight. Till the next article on 6th August, keep chanting Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe, Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe, Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe, Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe and enjoy the supreme bliss.

Sarvam Guruvaarpanam

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Why do we do pradakshina?





Dear Readers,

Radhekrishna to all!

Let us discuss the next question in this post. The eleventh question of our series is “Why do we do pradakshina (circumambulate)?

Whenever, Hindus visit a temple, one can observe that they circumambulate the idol in a clockwise direction. This is a regular practice which is being done since innumerable years. Have you ever given a thought that why is this done?

Nowadays the main purpose behind visiting a temple is only when one doesn’t get something that he/she desires; be it a job, good health, a spouse, fame, well being of children like their education etc. To put in a nut shell materialistic desires. Other wise nobody has the time to go to a temple. Life has become so fast and the present generation has become very practical. It is only few days before the results that one can see students visiting a temple!

And the prayers are also performed in a give and take manner. For example, “God please help me pass this exam and I will donate 101 coconuts and money” That’s the way people pray nowadays. Even God is no exception to the give and take policy of the people.

Coming back to the topic, let us know why we circumambulate God’s idol in a temple.

We cannot draw a circle without a center point. The Lord is the center, source and essence of our lives. Recognizing Him as the focal point in our lives, we go about doing our daily chores. This is the significance of pradakshina.

Also every point on the circumference of a circle is equidistant from the center. This means that wherever or whoever we may be, we are equally close to the Lord. His grace flows towards us without partiality. God does not see how rich or how poor we are, how famous or infamous we are, so on and so forth.

So the next time you circumambulate the God’s idol recollect the reason why you are doing it!

We will see the twelfth question in the next post.

Section II: Information about Indian herbs

In this post let us know about the herb known as Amaltas, also called as purging Cassia in English and Cassia Fistula in Latin.

1. It is a large tree the leaves of which resemble those of a rose apple tree.

2. Pith of the tree is used as a purgative.

3. Its flowers act as a laxative and relieve cough; a wonderful remedy for diphtheria.

That concludes this post. Till the next post, Radhekrishna!

Sarvam Guruvaarpanam


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