Dear Readers,
The last posting marked the beginning of the spiritual version of the scientific law of motion
"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction".
We began the spiritual version by defining what karma is and how it affects a person's life in both ways; favourably and adversely. So a person must watch out, think twice, over and again before doing any act because as he sows, so is he going to reap.
The knowledge about 'karma' is given by Lord Shri Krishna in the following verse:
Karmanaa jaayathe janthuhu karmaNaiva Vileeyathe
sukham dhukkham bHayam ksHemam KarmaNaiva abHipadhyathe
(Srimad Bagawatham - 10/1-24th chapter - 13th sloka)
this sloka was told by Bhagawan Shri Krishna to Shri Nandhababa
The meaning of this shloka is as under:
1 Due to the karma only the jeevaathmaas are taking birth here.
2 So also, due to karma only the bodies of the jeevaathmaas are facing an end.
3 The happiness and sadness, fear and comfort; everything is just because of their karmas.
Now let us probe a little bit into the literal explanation of this shloka:
One interpretion of the first line can be that:
depending on the karmas of a jeevaathma in a particular birth, the next birth of that jeevaathma is decided.
e.g: If a person commits several sins in his present birth like cheating others, causing injury to others, dacoity,murder etc he may get degraded from a human being in the present birth to an animal in the next birth or perhaps a human being only but he may be born blind,deaf,handicapped etc.
On the other hand if a person commits good karmas in the present birth then he gets elevated to a better position in his next birth. It could be that he could be enjoy the company of people who are on the path of self-realisation (moksha) and could be born in a well-off family (material prosperity) etc.
So in which of the above mentioned categories would you want to be? Think!
.....to be continued
Sarvam Guruvarpanam
645. மணவாள மாமுனிகள்
*மணவாள மாமுனி திருநக்ஷத்திரம் !*
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6 years ago
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