Dear readers,
The last posting was regarding the comparison between the scientific law of motion and its spiritual version. In the forthcoming articles we wish to establish the superiority of the spiritual version over the scientific version.
Hereunder are a few verses from Srimad Bhagwad Gita to support that cause.
yam yam vaapi smaranbHaavam thyajhathyanthe kalevaram
tham thamevaithi kauntheya sadhaa thadhbHaavabHaavitha
(Chapter-8, verse 6)
Remembering whatsoever thought one abandons the body at the end, to that alone he goes, O Arjuna, ever dwelling in the thought thereof.
Meaning: 'At the end', at the time of death, remembering whatsoever thought one abandons the body, to that alone one goes after death. The final thought arises only with reference to objects previously ruminated upon in one' thought.
In the history there is an example with regard to this. A royal sage by name Bharata was on his death bed.He thought of a deer during the last moments of his human birth. As a result of which he assumed the form of a deer in his next birth. We are not going into more details about this true incident as its just to support the shloka.
All this sounds like a fairy tale but hinduism does work like magic. It is beyond scientific reasoning!! There are certain such areas which are so very true but for which there is no scientific explanation available till date.
antHakaale cha maameva smaranmukthvaa kalevaram
yaH prayatHi sa madhbhavam yaathi naastHyatHra samSHayaha
(chapter-8 verse 5)
And he who, at the last moment, while leaving the body, departs, remembering Me alone, attains My being; of this, there is no doubt.
Meaning: He who, at the last moment while leaving the body, departs remembering me alone, attains My being; he attains My condition. In whatever way he meditates on Me, he attains that very form.In this verse the all-pervading Lord Krishna reveals the biggest secret; the path to
attain salvation; to Arjuna.
So it can be observed that if one wishes to avoid the repeated cycle of birth and death then the way out is to remember the supreme one Lord Krishna at the last moment of one's death.
maamupethya punarjanama dukhaalayamaSHaaSHvatham
naapnuvanthi mahaatHmaanaha samsidhim paramam gatHaha
(chapter-8 verse 15)
Having attained Me, great souls are never again subject to birth which is transient and the abode of sorrow.They have found the highest perfection.
Meaning: Having attained Me. they are not subject to rebirth, which leads to a condition that is transient and an abode of sorrow. These great souls i.e. persons of noble minds, worship and attain Me as the supreme object of attainment; because they possess knowledge of My essential nature as it really is; they are unable to maintain or sustain themselves without Me, as I am exceedingly dear to them. With their minds deeply attached to Me and completely dependent on Me, they reach Me as the supreme goal.
These verses are an important link to the spiritual version of the law that we have been speaking of in the last few issues. How? Wait till our next posting!!Till then Radhekrishna!
Sarvam Guruvarpanam
645. மணவாள மாமுனிகள்
*மணவாள மாமுனி திருநக்ஷத்திரம் !*
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6 years ago
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