Jay Shree Poojyashree Shree Amma
Jay Mahan Brahmashree Gopalavallidasar
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsangam
Dear Readers,
The previous article concluded with the description of 'CHIN MUDHRA' a type of meditation symbol. We thus now know that the various postures in which the rishis did meditation had definite scientific reasoning behind it. Meditating in those poses helped in stimulating the acupressure points of the body, which resulted in generation of tremendous energy in the body.
In this article let us know the relation of the act of doing meditation by the rishis, with the principle that we have already discussed in our previous articles about the Law of conservation of energy. We have seen in that law as to how the total energy (T.E.) is equal to the sum of K.E. and P.E. i.e. (T.E. = P.E. + K.E.) is a constant, and we have also known the proportions of K.E. and P.E. at the three different stages of Vaikuntham, Devalokam and Bhoolokam.
By sitting and doing constant Nama Japam, the rishis used to acquire immense potential energy.
P E = mgh, where m = mass, g = gravitation force h = height.
After vigorous meditation, a bhakta (devotee) achieves the state of flying in the air. This means he overcomes the power of gravitation. When the body becomes light, it floats in the air. It is just like a balloon filled with sufficient amount of air. Yes its true that this is achievable. The human mind has the power to do such things. But it requires a high level of concentration, which nobody in today’s world possesses.
When sufficient air is blown in a balloon, it starts floating in the air. At the same time, when the entire air is blown out, then the balloon will fall down to the earth. Our body resembles the balloon. Through breath control (pranayam), the air passage is mildly oscillated within the inner cavity of lungs. The body becomes light.
In the formula of potential energy, P. E. = mgh,
if the parameter, “m” becomes negligible, then automatically, the body acquires the ability to fly. Our light body then has a lot of potential energy stored in it.
Let us look at the increase in potential energy in an indirect manner now.
Let us know the impact of meditation on the variables that make up the formula for kinetic energy.
K.E.= 1/2 mv2
In this formula, the variables involved are mass and velocity.
When the human body floats in the air, the velocity of the body is uniform and the mass is negligible.
Now let is bring another familiar law into picture.
Every inanimate body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an external unbalanced force.
Applying this law in the above context,
The devotee resembles the body. The body remains in the state of rest when the devotee is sitting and doing meditation. However when the devotee is floating in the air, the motion remains uniform.The velocity then becomes zero.(Because there is no motion. Thus we can say that when the person meditates and does pranayam to such an extent that his body becomes light enough to start floating in the air, then that body’s kinetic energy becomes zero. That is, the potential energy of that body increases tremendously.
Let us continue with the discussions in our next article. Let us then know the further interpretations of the discussions of this article.
Till then let us chant the Radhekrishna Nama and with the blessings of Gurujiamma and Guruji (Mahan Brahmashree Gopalavallidasar) channelise our powerful human mind in doing the right things and not misuse its powers.
Sarvam Guruvarpanam
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