
Friday, December 07, 2007

Nammalwar Charitram


Dear Readers,

In this article we take you back to Nammazhvar Charitram which has been discussed on this blog in the past. We link that article with the concept of penance & energy discussed in the last forthnight. Following is a brief recap of that article.

Nammalvar, also known as 'Sadagopar' (meaning one who got angry on the 'Sadam Vayu') was an incarnation of the Lord Himself. The Lord took the form of a new born baby in Nammalwar. At the time of Nammalwar's birth, the Sadam Vayu approached this baby i.e. The Lord. The Lord, when he saw this 'Sadam Vayu' approaching got angry, gave out a loud cry. This cry was called as 'Hungaram'. This sound propelled the Sadam Vayu. And as a result, the Sadam Vayu could not affect Him.

The Sadam Vayu represents the Gravitaional Force 'g'. This Vayu binds the body to the earth. It is a force that attracts all the things towards itself. The Sadam Vayu is the parcel of the virtues and evils committed by us in our previous births. It is imposed upon us in our succeeding births & affects us.

But Nammazhvar being the Lord Himself, how could the Sadam Vayu affect Him?

To repel the Sadam Vayu, NAMMAZHVAR gave out a loud cry called as 'HUNGARAM'. This action is similar to the releasing of energy when the atom bomb is burst. When an atom bomb is burst, the stored atomic energy in it gets released in a second causing a huge explosion. In the same way, the Hungaram is tremendous amount of energy obtained through meditation & Bandhanam released in a second. Here, it is not for destruction. It is for the expelling of SADAM VAYU.

The positive and negative magnetic field created out of the actions of previous and present birth accumulates to the form of SADAM VAYU. The present day psychiatrists accept rebirth. They call it as REGRESSION. Here they talk about magnetic impressions in the form of thought kept inside the brain.

The term 'AFFINITY' has a specific significance to the concept of electricity.
What exactly is this concept?

Let us discuss more on this in the next article. Lets see the link between the above concept of 'Affinity' related to electricity & with the event of NAMMAZHVAR dispelling the SADAM VAYU – magnetic field by HUNGARAM

Till then do lots of chanting.

Sarvam Guruvarpanam.



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