
Saturday, June 05, 2010

Why do we fast?


Radhekrishna to our Readers!

We completed the question “Why do we offer food to the Lord before eating it? in our previous post. In this post, let us begin with a new question. It is based on one of the commonly observed practices amongst the Hindus and the question is, “Why do we fast? Most devout Indians fast regularly or on special occasions like festivals. Observing a fast is of various types:

1. Some of us drink only water for an entire day and do not consume any food.
2. Some others drink tea/ coffee and eat fruits or drink fruit juice during the entire day and do not consume any other food.
3. There are some people who believe in eating a special diet of simple food only on a fasting day such as sweet potato, potato, banana etc and not any other food.
4. Some do not eat or drink anything at all.
5. Some eat only once in the entire day.

What is the reason for observing a fast? Let us know more about it.

Fasting in Sanskrit is called upavaasa. Upa means "near" + vaasa means "to stay". Upavaasa therefore means staying near (the Lord), meaning the attainment of close mental proximity with the Lord. Then what has upavaasa to do with food?

To know the answer wait till our next posting. Radhekrishna

….to be continued

Section II: Information about Indian herbs

In this post let us know about the fruit called as Amla or Emblic Myrobalan in English and Emblica Officinalis in Latin.

1. It is one of the three myrobalans
2. It is the cheapest source of Vitamin C which is not destroyed by boiling or other processes
3. It is a panacea for many ills of the body and mind such as anxiety and melancholia, falling hair and premature graying of hair.
4. This fruit taken over a period of time can lead to rejuvenation of the body.

That concludes our post for this fortnight. Till the next posting, Radhekrishna!

Sarvam Guruvaarpanam



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