Dear Readers,
In this post, let us know more about Om.
OM in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
In chapter 1 (Samadhi Pada) of the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali gives us the concept of Ishvara as "Ishvara is the supreme Purusha, unaffected by any afflictions, actions, fruits of actions or by any inner impressions of desires." (translation by Sw. Satchidananda) (sutra 1.24). The following sutras provide us an insight into the sacred symbol OM:
- sutra 1.27: "The word expressive of Ishvara is the mystic sound OM (pranava)"
- sutra 1.28: "To repeat it with reflection upon its meaning is an aid."
- sutra 1.29: "From this practice all the obstacles disappear and simultaneously dawns knowledge of the inner Self."
- sutra 1.30: "Disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, false perception, failure to reach firm ground and slipping from ground gained – these distractions of the mind-stuff are the obstacles."
- sutra 1.31: "Accompaniments to the mental distractions include distress, despair, trembling of the body, and disturbed breathing."
As we can see from these sutras by Patanjali, chanting of OM can make us free from obstacles (defined in sutra 1.30) and provide us a glimpse of the inner self.
We will continue this topic in out next post
Section II: Information about Indian herbs
In this post let us know about Gule Abbas also known as Four o’clock Flower in English and Mirabilis Jalapa in Latin.
· This plant is grown in gardens and houses for decorative purposes
· Its leaves have the property of reducing inflammation of all kinds
· Its root heals carbuncles
· Taken internally, the various parts of the plant act as purifier of blood and healer of scabies and gonorrhea
· In cases of jaundice the leaves are cooked as a vegetable and eaten for relief
That concludes our post for the fortnight. Till the next post on 22nd January, Radhekrishna!
Sarvam Guruvaarpanam