Radhekrishna Dear Readers,
Wishing all our readers a very happy new year! New years are about making resolutions. So this year let us make a resolution to discover the hidden secrets behind the various facets of Hinduism. Nobody can estimate the depth of Hinduism. There is limitless science in Hinduism.
In our previous post we have seen what the word OM or AUM stands for; namely the three states, three deities, three worlds etc. In this post let us know more about AUM.
When we chant AUM, there is a pause between two AUM chants. This pause or silence also means something! Yes there is a hidden meaning even here. Let us try to know about the same.
The formless, attributeless Lord (Brahman) is represented by the silence between two Om Chants. Om is also called pranava that means, "that (symbol or sound) by which the Lord is praised". The entire essence of the Vedas is enshrined in the word Om. It is said that the Lord started creating the world after chanting Om and atha. Hence its sound is considered to create an auspicious beginning for any task that we undertake. The Om chant should have the resounding sound of a bell (aaooommm).
Om is written in different ways in different places. The most common form symbolizes Lord Ganesha’s. The upper curve is the head; the lower large one, the stomach; the side one, the trunk; and the semi-circular mark with the dot, the sweetmeat ball (modaka) in Lord Ganesha's hand. Thus Om symbolizes everything - the means and the goal of life, the world and the Truth behind it, the material and the Sacred, all form and the Formless.
….to be continued
Section II: Information about Indian herbs
In this post let us know about Imli also known as Tamarind in English and Tamaridus Indica in Latin.
· It’s a fruit of a large tree having pods three to four inches long, contain pith, tasting sweet-sour
· Its used extensively in cooking
· Its alkaline properties counteract hyperacidity, bilious fevers, nausea and thirst
· It also acts as an appetiser
That concludes our post for the fortnight. Till the next post on 22nd January, Radhekrishna!
Sarvam Guruvaarpanam
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